Thursday, July 4, 2024

July 2024

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Only cooks with good looks can cook! 

I Was seasick when I took those...

The seagulls keep wondering where that beautiful blond in Mary's Nest is when I #SunriseCT on Twitter. 😁

They hear my whistle blowing when I am boiling water in the tea kettle - and think I am a seagull. My curtains are white. So they fly near my window and get disappointed. I wish I could give them treats like "Feeding My Pet Seagull" does. 

Our windows have installed brackets so we cannot open them more than 4 inches - it would be easier to keep us locked in when they decide to make the building self-destruct using their weaponized tech tricks! 

Everything here relies on internet - one flip of a switch may cause everything to disentigrate. 

Internet was shut off in my apartment. They resented my using an extender so they turned it off but it should still work since I can connect in the lobby. The element of cyber crime comes into play!  

I am in the lobby - the landlord cut my internet connection in my apartment. 


Happy In Depends Day 

Posted 5:08am 

July 4, 2024

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