Tuesday, May 7, 2024

President Putin

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2024 - Fifth inauguration of President Putin - the US media show Third, that is wrong

Biden thinks Putin is Trumpty Dumpty....

US politics = wordplay, deception! 
My hands are clean! 
Rock, paper, scissors - we have meeting of the minds...
Joe Blow has been inspired by President Putin. 
Life is good! 
"Don't worry, I got your back" says President Putin. 

I have more but my phone is taking a nap...I'll be back...Am listening to Alexander Mercouris, Duran Locals Blog...5/8/2024 5:01pm 

Google, watch it; it is worth your while. 

I uploaded 12 images and then they were all deleted! This phone is charging, so it cannot be low memory. It is at 20% 

I will have to resume later...

These are pictures as I watch it on my laptop and I must say they must be using Artificial Intelligence to harm the quality of selected images! 

Now it disabled all the widgets/tools on this blogpost...



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