Monday, May 20, 2024

Cristofer Cordova Music 🎵🎶 #Karumanda

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This device will not share images thanks to #cybercrime
Tuesday #CristoferCCordova will be livestreaming at about 2:30pm EST - Enjoy!
#Karumanda 🌷🌺🤗💛

I need to reset this device but need to use a reliable WiFi. I cannot believe all the unchecked corruption on Internet

My files are deleted as "punishment" by the TECHNOCRATS, for not allowing them to sync and I also consider Google One Illegal because it was just Google Storage which I paid for, for years and now they CLAIM you have to combine all your accounts IF you have Google One, which I never agreed to but they stopped Google Storage, which is breach of contract. 

Posted 5/20/2024 


Cristofer Cordova Music 🎵🎶 Karumanda

 Link for this blog post:

THIS WILL BE DELETED 5/21/20024 DUE to CYBER CRIME CHANGING The Title! - 5/20/2024 



This device will not share images thanks to #cybercrime
Tuesday #CristoferCCordova will be livestreaming at about 2:30pm EST - Enjoy!
#Karumanda 🌷🌺🤗💛

I need to reset this device but need to use a reliable WiFi. I cannot believe all the unchecked corruption on Internet. 

My files are deleted as "punishment" by the TECHNOCRATS, for not allowing them to sync and I also consider Google One Illegal because it was just Google Storage which I paid for, for years and now they CLAIM you have to combine all your accounts IF you have Google One, which I never agreed to but they stopped Google Storage, which is breach of contract. 

Posted 5/20/2024 


Wednesday, May 8, 2024

BlancolirioYT - Juan Browne Commercial Pilot

 Link to this blog post: 


I downloaded a cartoon of a skunk -pilot ..but it won't appear...I need to troubleshoot this ...I don't care about SkunkWorks Operation by Lockheed Martin..Didn't intend to go there...Here is a better image for the theme of this blog: 

#PlaneCrash had 2 major unknowns! Were  pilots simultaneously gassed? Did NTSB use #TechnologyAsAWeapon and FRAUD the black box recording? 18 deaths = 9 = Satanic underground = NAZI rigging = #TargetPractice?

Static In The Attic

 Link to this blog post:


Just pretend there's a picture here...this tablet is not uploading pictures. I need to re-something it. Wipe out all the bad stuff - restore it to factory settings...From a wifi that actually functions. 


This is Trivia Question Night....

Intelligence roots from inter-allegience and once you pledge, your brain is wedged like a hedgehog 🦔 No more brain fog 🌫️ No more bump on a log 🪵 Just toggle bc weables wobble but they dont fallon-down. 🙈🙊🙉

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

President Putin

 Link to this blogpost:

Table of Contents

2024 - Fifth inauguration of President Putin - the US media show Third, that is wrong

Biden thinks Putin is Trumpty Dumpty....

US politics = wordplay, deception! 
My hands are clean! 
Rock, paper, scissors - we have meeting of the minds...
Joe Blow has been inspired by President Putin. 
Life is good! 
"Don't worry, I got your back" says President Putin. 

I have more but my phone is taking a nap...I'll be back...Am listening to Alexander Mercouris, Duran Locals Blog...5/8/2024 5:01pm 

Google, watch it; it is worth your while. 

I uploaded 12 images and then they were all deleted! This phone is charging, so it cannot be low memory. It is at 20% 

I will have to resume later...

These are pictures as I watch it on my laptop and I must say they must be using Artificial Intelligence to harm the quality of selected images! 

Now it disabled all the widgets/tools on this blogpost...



Stumbling on Geology Nick Lectures and More

 Link for this blog post:



More on J Harlen Bretz - Was Moses Coulee carved out by glaciers? #PublicInvited Lecture by


Monday, May 6, 2024

May 2024

 Link to this blog post: 


MISS MAY - Drew Barrymore,

 The Flower Films💐🌹🌼🥀🌺🌷🌸💮🏵️🌻 Lady 

Well, this device is blocking all my data and will not show any screenshots or other images. 

Plan B:


the colors are faded...sorry! it's better...

Start Spreading The News lalala! 

Drew rose above a most difficult life! 

Kudos, Drew! 🤗🌷🤗🌷🤗🌷

       DEADLY TORNADO!!!! 

It should be N960LB and first word should be NTSB only - that's what I typed. 

 N690NTSB Report of N960LE crash in Truckee, CA - Reporting by @BlancolirioYT

TORNADO!!! Now!! Reporting @N8_Snyder
5/6/2024 #Barnstall #Oklahoma - Get in you safe space! Listen to Nate! 10:41pm EST

The #USArmy has wanted to create it's OWN forces on land, Sea, and air for decades - spinning off the Dept of Defense. That's my observation. 

Do you ever see the YouTube poop 💩 ads - USA woman (who should be arrested for taking part in a FRAUD scam) talks shit? So disgusting when they come on while you're eating? Do you see the name of the company when you block the ad? 

Do you ever consider that the dirtbag technocrats are going in phases? 
Phase 1 rollout 
Phase 2 rollout 
...and so on?
And the real brains is Mark Zuckerberg who is really Robert T Morris - who destroyed tens of thousands of computers in December 1988? He has a phD from Cornell University! 

Facebook - Phasebook - understand these psychopaths use wordplay all the time!!  

Share if you agree! Make it your own words! I'm just having a discussion....

Posted 5/8/2024 
12:32 pm 

Was USA inhabited much later than we're taught? Seems that way, especially with the Native American History that Geology Nick Zenter has shared, coinciding with Harvard Grad @KrurimeoAhau here.

Posted 5/9/2024 

Notes were remotely deleted by cyber crime! 

This video is straight-up bullshit! Investigation has more holes than Swiss cheese! 
48 Hours 

     "we're trying to move quickly and PLAY CATCH-UP"
 WTF! Hurry up and wait! They could have pulled his ability to fly ANYWHERE, including pulling his damn passport! 
Like I said, this is total bullshit and reflects why I never got my rights when a sander truck driver tried to murder me (for the local stalking sex trafficker who I told to leave me alone, you're a pig! - and why my brother got away with murdering my father, conspiring with the pedophile priest who poisoned my father, obviously with arsenic - since he was bleeding out! 
  That brother even admitted he lied to me and had no intention of helping me get him in a nursing home - that "I came down to make Dad die" And he said in front of Dad, who couldn't talk because they doped him up with morphine and took all his meds away! 
   I never spent much time with that brother but Dad said he worked hard and took good care of his family. I spent time with his wife, who was very devoted. And he cheated on her and divorced her, just like a cousin did - and that uncle was obviously a CIA operative! Rich up the wazoo, yet had a HS diploma and somehow climbed to rank of major in the USMC despite not having a degree. He left the Corps, and apparently had his CIA Pentagon job all set up. He was friends with Oliver North. He stole my SSN and used it to evade from taxes and tariffs on a second new luxury car, a Mercedes Benz made in Germany. Totally flatlined my credit and I called the bank he made the loan with. They confirmed that was the SSN on the form and said, "You should talks to your uncle" and I said "No! You should prosecute him!" I left $300 in cash on his damn table so he wouldn't brag how he was so generous to me! Bullshit! Instead of securing work he MADE me not get a job around there! I had bills! I needed a life! The only reason he had me go down there was so he could use my SSN and FRAUD, saving himself thousands of dollars! As a CIA operative, no way would the bank question what he did to me! 
  So yeah, these freaking liars make my blood boil! My own brother, another brother, cheated me out of the money he got when selling my store, yet promised my father he would turn it all over to him because quit claiming it to him gave him the equity he needed to purchase my father's business!My father spent months helping him get set up, wanting to stabilize his marriage because his wife had an affair with an attorney she worked for with a baby at home! 
And they had their third kid with my money, including buying a new car for themselves, while I suffer, disabled from being almost murdered, and not one family member cared! They wanted to blame it all on me because they didn't care about the truth, they expected me to die so they could split the money.  They sure were not going to let Dad have it, after all - Dad was just someone to use and throw away!
  And that is the kind of society we have! Run by depraved bastards who are also psychopaths! 

  Maya Rudolph stars in I float like a butterfly 🦋 and sting like a bat 🦇 
   STAY mooned! 🌕 
Vampire Weekend 🦇🧛‍♂️🧛‍♀️

Posted 5/9/2024

Well, this is what happens when a beotch can't watch the Saturday Night monologue: 
I vented. 

Las Cruces - where my favorite uncle lived, who lied to me as a kid about working at a spaceship mfg area. He worked at White SANDS Missile range and apparently was eager to rub me out for telling a stalking sex trafficker to leave me alone, he was a pig. A SANDER truck driver filled it with sand as he began a second shift, overtime ON A SUNNY DAY. ROADS WERE BARE. USING ANOTHER EMPLOYEE AS HIS UNNECESSARY SCOUT/spotter. THEY were scouting for me, as I came down the road so he could slam into me on my side of a double lane highway. I was in ICU for 2 1/2 weeks, hospitalized 3 1/2 months. The alcoholic neurologist tried to kill me by moving me too soon, making blod clots move to my head. Oh darn. And all i got from siblings was, You better be grateful you're alive. My mother signed for a lawsuit without consulting with my father. Telling people she prayed I'd die. So it never set right with siblings that I survived and they weren't going to get money. My father was the only one who understood. But with criminal attorneys only obsessed to harm me, I settled out of court. My attorney continued to weasle his way using my mother, even though I was 18. Frederick Kendall's brother paid a hitman to murder the President of Chile because he refused to sell Pepsi in his country. My father found out and told me as a secret. It was a very dangerous predicament. Kendall even had the audacity to complain to me, "Why didn't you get out of his way?" I knew enough by then, from talking to paramedics who were there, to know he slammed right into me going the opposite direction. Many times they tried to take my life by causing "accidents" and poisoning my food. I live in an apartment bldg assessed at $2.2 billion yet they took out a third mortgage for $89billion! Claiming the tenants as collateral! Most likely this bldg was meant to implode. My CIA uncle came over here stalking, probably invested in this criminal operation. They remotely turned off my washing machine Jan 2023 along with vandalizing my bed so I cannot sleep in it because my queen size box springs were changed to king size. By illegal intruders - they illegally enter all the time and vandalize! I complained about the maintenance manager taking a dump in my trash can in my bathroom. They had to covmver it up by harming me. After all, they have the $89 billion in the bank illegally, which I wouldn't have even known about had it not been for all the harm they do to me and the management will do nothing even when I drop off typed letters. Nor will Housing, since my apartment is a Section 8 apartment. And - they got a conspirator to report through the online New Haven Independent - that Bozzutos sold this $2.2 building for $160,000! It still belongs to Bozzutos! There was no closing with anyone else! I viewed the records. So this criminal operation involves the city also and they sure come after me when they can too! How many times do illegal real estate deals happen in the country? Peter Santello made a video on Hawaii recently. They went by barren farmland and his host said it hadn't been farmed in years and the owner in Singapore has it listed for sale for $300M. Jack Ma is in Singapore! They want to deplete food resources as one of their mass murdering plans. They have several. The Wuhan Virus plan was intercepted by Chinese Intelligence. They replaced it with the common flu and figured it would duffuse the situation. Yet Bill Gates was more obsessed than ever to keep it spinning, getting medical staff to report people who died from car accidents died of this virus, now Coronavirus, which people were catching on about how fake it was. So they got Gov Cuomo to get a factory to make lung machines and the patients were put on propifaland forced on them even though they were breathing on their own. To kill patients! Beverly Washington, a great Mail Clerk for 42 years, only 67 years old or less, died from circumstances just like that, when she only went in to have a bunion removed at Yale - New Haven Hospital! That was a planned murder, because they rescheduled her so they could have everything in place. She grabbed my habds at the post office once to assure me that life will get better and she's praying for me. I am a targeted person and anyone I am friendly with is at risk for being killed/murdered! That is what is going on...Prof Sal Mercogliano reported the Robert G Bradley ship attacked an enemy ship and destroyed it. That ship was taken out of service and dismantled, sold for parts years ago! How can he be so brainwashed to report such things? I need to finish or the hackers will delete all this. Robert G Bradley was my uncle who obviously became a CIA operative. My father confronted him about frauding records and using my SSN. I highly suspect that uncle to lie to him and say I was hooking when I was at his holy homestead. He claimed my cousin David, born before Vietnam War, was autistic because of Agent Orange in Vietnam! That uncle obviously profited from that. David was probably like that because of him hitting him across the room when he got angry. My father was not like that. David died in a car accident which was probably caused by disabled brakes. I have a lot of baggage, I know. But this shit has to stop in this country and that's why I share it. Peace.

