Monday, April 29, 2024


 Link to this blogpost:

This ad for investors came up. I heard Lie #1, so kept listening, taking some screenshots.


 I wish I took more screenshots on this phone but there are several referenced above. Below is what I have:

Gmail disrupts my email services because they are pissed I consider GOOGLE ONE abusive and invasive and claim they have no right forcing me to let them sinc my accounts! Unpaid for Google storage for years - refused Google One when they created it. Yet they nefariously rolled over my Google Storage to Google One and claim I lie about EVER having Google Storage; they only have offered Google One! It may have been called GMail Storage - same thing! 

I send emails to people I know who care and will do what they can about the corruption, cyber crime! Jeff Sessions and his foreign collaborators took down Alpha Bay, the largest crime ring in history! Rather than rewardchim and offer military support to make tens of thousands of arrests,

Donald Trump - the Poison DT - fires Sessions - refused FBI of military support - 
and Alpha Bay RETURNED on the Deep Web/aka DARK Web! 

Do you see how the Republicans and Democrats are not the real parties in Washington DC? 

They are the corrupted and not corrupted! 

Monday, April 8, 2024

April 2024

 Love is a many splendored stink....🦨

Blogpost link:


Where's the Eclipse?  

I didn't make this blog post. In fact, I haven't even been able to access my tablet for months. My landlord uses CYBER CRIME. 

My landlord: 360 State Street

    Obviously connected to 

The multi-trillion State Street Bank Corp. (see screenshots below and watch as many of those videos as you can, those who care, that is)

Posted 4/26/2024

This blog is now accessible on an old phone of mine, NOT by my efforts. 

I went to a favorite place of mine to use their wifi and enjoy their tea: Vivi Bubble Tea 

I keep forgetting to access this tablet when I go here. Yet now, I see someone created this blog post hacking into my tablet. If I use a pin, what they do is disable the pin so I cannot access it. I had to get replacements TWICE because of that. I purchased this from T-Mobile. It was not any freebie. I also paid $7/month for replacement insurance so they took advantage of that and disabled my pin - then they can steal my data when they replace the device! 

If you think the TECHNOCRATS can be trusted in any way, you're crazy. 

Speak up, because they invade our privacy - they FRAUD - they have literally stopped my phone from functioning. 

It's not you, it's them! And that's why they don't ask permissions and that's why their instructions are horrible and that's why they make things up as they go along. 

I cannot upload any screenshots even though this has 11gig FREE. Understand the cyber crime they cause! It is Organized Crime - they always have an angle! 

Posted 4/9/2024


Send tweet to @SundarPichai 

Regarding remote CYBER CRIME is still my email and these Google bastards took off my blog and added a blog that doesn't belong on this device. 

I cannot even access the Twitter account because they screwed it up! It's all cyber crime! This is my f*king device!

Posted 5:50pm

They altered most recent recording from under 25mb, so I can share it,  to this! I bought what was a great deal, buy the Motorola model from last year, get free tablet. My processing was accepted. They took my money. Then they only sent  parts - no phone, no tablet. WTF. All I asked for was a solution. They wanted me to buy it again! 

Friday, March 1, 2024

March 2024

 Link to this blog post:

All my X's live in Texas! 

I didn't even place this here - constant cyber crime! 

I placed it on another device!  This device is NEEM TREE BARK - search in my Tablet of Contents - that is one of my blogs! Cyber crime through Google - I will have to send a tweet to Sundar Pichai , CEO 


Blancolirio Channel 

March 2024
Obv a CIA job all the way-to bully a  weakened country by the same USA ba$tards that rigged Sep11! No Boeing could penetrate the WTC,no Boeing would be able to drop to that altitude due to AUAP!  Pakistan had nothing to do w September 11!

The USA appointed leader of Pakistan is a shill like the Shah of Iran was! USA also formed a coup on Iran's leader, like they are doing to Imran Khan, who has done nothing but but be a patriot and devote his life to serving his people! He paid for a hospital, for God's sake!

This is modus operandi, by USA - b@$tards who did the mass murdering on September 11 and more thereafter! Trump purchased tons of lasers June 2018! A subscriber to Blackstone Intelligence (Jake Morphonios) obviously gave him money to report the facts, showing the purchase and receiving documents! Six months later,Trump torches Paradise CA! Jake Morphonios refused to discuss it, despite knowing about all the lasers Trump got through the Pentagon! Congress let Trump give bribes to USGov agencies despite refusing his salary - he took it back,delegating it to agencies that would thereafter conspire with at least one rigged event, like DOT did collapsing a brand new bridge in Florida! 

Blackwater terrorists did it through his arrangement, his order, obviously! Mass murdering people! Many Mormons don't have SSNs and the polygamist sects actually send children out to sex trafficking, which generates alot of money, especially when the one who pays is allowed to murder the child! CIA has been doing this through the Clinton Crime Syndicate - and I am sure Blackwater helps with that too! After all, the USGov made Eric Prince a billionaire! 

Who was leader of Pakistan in 1989? A USA shill who only cared about money in his pocket - like NAZI Zelensky in Ukraine? Do you realize that Robert T Mortis destroyed tens of thousands of computers in USA - leaving Apple computers alone - his worm destroyed all other hard drives. And he emerged as Mark Zuckerberg! A CIA job, for sure! Small airports in USA have been shut down left and right! Brittany Infanger didn't do anything wrong - she was hit with weaponized weather which this country has depraved people making their war playground! Along with laser weapons that can stop guns, which is why the gun rights means nothing to the planners of more mass murders. They want as much money as possible WASTED. Obama sunk us so far into debt, all because his master plan was to execute NAZI Martial Law by an economy that flatliners! Yet other countries knew the tricks he was playing and we're very leanient with us regarding the national debt! Yet this country's depraved foreign policy, established to humor George Soros,et al - is just to twist the hell out of us, because all they care about is increasing wealth for themselves, destroying the economy while they are at it! Understand the Cherokee story of the two wolves and the one that is fed grows! 


6:55 am 

Freemasonry - 1 hr describing it as a help in life

Message to Google with rating of "1"
Chrome, yes is good - but Google and Google Assistant are always up to CYBER CRIME on this device! I know, you do as you please, the NAZI way. Not legal way! I am fed up! Reducing my internal storage from 64Gig to 16Gig is FRAUD! Manipulating what I do is trespassing on my intellectual property! But none of this matters bc the TECHNOCRATS feed greedy politicians! Why can't I even take a screenshot? Because my internal storage was higher than 16Gig! Complete psychopathic abuse of power here! 


Sunday, January 28, 2024

WInter 2024

 WINTER 2024 

I believe in rabbitholes. Harvey the 6 ft rabbit  lives here. Witch doctors in here are good to talk to when you're in love. They have a purpose, as long as you don't stay too long and learn from the experience. 

Theme song: Witch Doctor! (David Seville) (Lyrics) (1958) - YouTube

Link for this blogpost:


Freemasonry - 1 hr describing it as a help in life

Thing is, nothing opens. It's a 4G - I can't even emoji here....Why notify?

My notes so far

Did @Scottymechanic run out of gas? (WTF, they took my emojis away) Kung-FU to you! @FallonTonight

1/24/2024 12:41am

Thank you for sharing this unusual sky. Looks like negative #Geoengineering
@GeologyNick @BovierDon @joeimbriano777 @RoyalFamily @Myroncook12 @Scottymechanic @BlancolirioYT @BankofAmerica

Second Book of Enoch Explained and more...

History of Christianity


Cyber Tartarians

Was it created to fill a need for humanity? To love one another genuinely, not metaphorically?
To even prepare us to ward off the hysterical superb plurality that will even choose when you lose your life? Claiming they own you rather than love rooted in man and wife? Why? They take the meaning out of living - never losing, always winning nothing but power - no more flowers, no more color - no more father, no more mother! All built on Crime money! Time money has no value because you can be replaced without a trace showing you ever existed! We have a Supreme Being who is becoming more restless from our breathless blunders turning wonder asunder - our indigo to indicome claiming the BS of "We are One" - no more fun, no more laughter - they are after our souls - don't be fools! Cruel hearts have no home!
SUPERIMPERIALISM removes all.colors, removes imagination - this society they are creating is no fascination! Our feelings are gone! We have no sense of right and wrong! Our hearts have been replaced with cyber tarts! We will no longer be!

  This commercial on the YouTube channel intrigued me so I kept watching, taking pictures - TILL IT STOPPED ME - that was a big WTF moment. Don't consider anything about AI to be sincere by the sin-seers themselves. The man industry is run by crap heads! 

Take a look: 

Posted 1/28/


 Link to this blogpost: This ad for investors came up. I heard Lie #1...